T. Marie Vandelly – Theme Music

Publisher’s Weekly recognizes T. Marie Vandelly as a writer to watch. How’s that for commentary on her debut novel!

Theme Music was released in July 2019, published by Dutton, an imprint of the Penguin Publishing Group. Since then, it’s been finding its way into the hands of readers who crave suspense, thrillers, gothic, and horror; and to the daring and curious readers who also want to experience a spine-tingling adventure.

The central character, Dixie, moves back into her childhood home where twenty-five years earlier, her father butchered her mother and brothers and then slashed his own throat. One year old Dixie was spared and became known as Baby Blue, the name of the song playing in the house when she was discovered. Of course, this is only a fraction of the story that is filled with twists and turns. A few more hints are in the publisher’s synopsis that will draw you toward reading Theme Music – just in time for Halloween!

An audio sample is available below the synopsis.

My introduction to T. Marie Vandelly was at a James River Writing Show. She was on a panel of authors discussing the path to publication. The audience, filled with writers of all genres, received encouragement and listened intently to valuable advice. Teri, as she is known by family and friends, shared her enthusiasm and knowledge that led to the publishing of Theme Music, and in the process, showed us how great a speaker she is.

Visit and Like her Facebook page, and Follow her on Instagram and Twitter.

Teri, what a postcard! As a Virginian, I remember the glee we all had from this iconic image and slogan, and still do. This year (2019) is its golden anniversary. And how genius of you to rig it for Theme Music. Chilling!  Thank you for adding it to my collection. 🙂


The Virginia is for lovers slogan was created by Martin & Woltz, now The Martin Agency of Richmond, Virginia.